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Monthly Global Tropical Cyclone Summary December 2006
[Summaries and Track Data] [Prepared by Gary Padgett]


                               DECEMBER, 2006

  NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Almost two years ago I began including links to 
  track graphics prepared by John Diebolt of Tucson, Arizona, and archived
  on his tropical cyclone website.  A few months back John experienced a 
  disk crash which resulted in a error.  He had to request assistance from
  the programmer who had written the map-generation software, but so far 
  has not been able to get the problem solved.   As a convenience to users,
  I've also recently been including links to the individual tabular tracks,
  prepared by myself, which John had archived on his website.  Now, due to
  family concerns, John has not had time to place the tracks for recent
  cyclones on the website.  I have checked the websites listed at the end
  of the summaries and found that the entire November track file has been
  archived on two of them.  The links are:>>

  UPDATE TO ABOVE NOTE: John has now gotten his website up and running
  again.  The link is:>

  The December track file may be found here as well.  Also, John has 
  already created graphics for the January, 2007, cyclones.  The page
  has been redesigned and is very user-friendly now.  To view any item
  of interest, click on the green bar to the right. 

  As time permits we hope to make track graphics available for cyclones
  during the latter half of 2006.

  (For general comments about the nature of these summaries, as well as
  information on how to download the tabular cyclone track files, see
  the Author's Note at the end of this summary.)


                            DECEMBER HIGHLIGHTS

   --> Yet another typhoon moves through Philippines
   --> Intense tropical cyclone forms in Southwest Indian Ocean
   --> Possible subtropical storm forms off coast of Brazil


                   !!!!!!!!!! EXTRA FEATURE !!!!!!!!!!

                      FOR THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE

       Following is a tabular summary of all the tropical depressions,
    tropical storms, hurricanes, and typhoons which occurred in the
    Northern Hemisphere between 1 January and 31 December 2006, as
    reported in the Monthly Global Tropical Cyclone Summaries prepared
    by the author.

      (1) Number - this is the sequential cyclone number assigned by either
                   TPC/NHC, CPHC in Honolulu, or JTWC.  If neither of these
                   agencies issued any warnings, no number will be given.

      (2) Name - the name (if any) assigned by either TPC/NHC, CPHC, IMD,
                 or JMA (and PAGASA for Western North Pacific systems in 
                 their area of warning responsibility).

      (3) Dates - range of dates for which tracking information for the 
                  cyclone is available in the Global Tropical Cyclone
                  Tracks files prepared by the author.

      (4) Pressure - Lowest central pressure (either estimated or recorded)
                     during the lifetime of the cyclone.  For Atlantic and
                     Northeastern Pacific systems these will be the values
                     reported in operational advisories from TPC/NHC or
                     CPHC.  For Northwest Pacific systems the central
                     pressure estimates are taken from advisories issued by
                     the Japanese Meteorological Agency.  An asterisk (*)
                     following the pressure indicates the reading was an
                     actual measured pressure normally obtained by a drop-
                     sonde released during an aerial reconnaissance
                     flight.    Central pressure is given in millibars,
                     which is numerically equivalent to hectopascals.

      (5) MSW - maximum 1-minute average sustained windspeed in knots.
                For the Northwestern Pacific and North Indian Ocean
                basins, these will be the highest value assigned
                operationally by JTWC.  For the Atlantic and Northeastern
                Pacific basins, the MSW values are taken from the
                official tropical cyclone reports prepared by the
                TPC/NHC Hurricane Specialists and which are available
                on TPC/NHC's website:> .

      (6) Basins - tropical cyclone basins where the cyclone tracked during
                   its life:

                   ATL - North Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea
                   NEP - North Pacific east of Longitude 180
                   NWP - North Pacific west of Longitude 180
                         (including South China Sea)
                   NIO - Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea

       For tropical systems in the NWP basin, two additional columns of
    information are given:

       (1) The tropical storm serial number assigned by the Japanese
           Meteorological Agency to tropical depressions which are deemed
           to have reached tropical storm intensity.  This does not always
           agree with JTWC's assessment.

       (2) An estimate of the maximum 10-minute average sustained wind.
           The value given represents the highest 10-min avg MSW assigned
           by any agency.  If from any warning center other than JMA, a
           numbered note below identifies which center's value is given.

       For tropical systems in the NIO basin, an additional column lists
    the alphanumeric storm identifier assigned by the India Meteorological
    Department (IMD) for those systems deemed to have reached cyclonic
    storm (i.e., tropical storm) status by that agency.

       A number in parentheses (e.g. (1) ) following an entry refers to
    a note following the entries for the given basin.   A separate table
    is given for each of the four Northern Hemisphere basins.


                                ATLANTIC BASIN

   NUM  NAME          DATES           CENT PRS   MSW               BASIN
                                        (mb)    (kts)

   01   Alberto       10-19 Jun          995 *    60                ATL
   02   -----         16-19 Jul          998      45                ATL (1)
   03   Beryl         18-22 Jul         1001 *    50                ATL
   04   Chris         01-06 Aug         1001 *    55                ATL
   05   Debby         21-28 Aug          999      45                ATL
   06   Ernesto       24 Aug-04 Sep      985 *    65                ATL
   07   Florence      03-19 Sep          974 *    80                ATL
   08   Gordon        10-24 Sep          955     105                ATL
   09   Helene        12-27 Sep          955 *   105                ATL
   10   Isaac         27 Sep-03 Oct      985      75                ATL


   (1) This system was added during TPC/NHC's post-season analysis and
       review.  It was not carried operationally as a tropical cyclone.
       There was no track for this system in the Global Tropical Cyclone
       Tracks file prepared by the author.


                           NORTHEAST PACFICIC BASIN

   NUM  NAME          DATES           CENT PRS   MSW               BASIN
                                        (mb)    (kts)

   01E  Aletta        27-31 May         1002      40                NEP
   02E  -----         03-05 Jun         1005      30                NEP
   03E  Bud           11-17 Jul          953     110                NEP
   04E  Carlotta      12-20 Jul          981      75                NEP
   05E  Daniel        16-28 Jul          933     130                NEP
   06E  Emilia        21-31 Jul          990      55                NEP
   07E  Fabio         31 Jul-05 Aug     1000      45                NEP
   08E  Gilma         01-05 Aug         1004      35                NEP
   09E  Hector        15-24 Aug          966      95                NEP
   01C  Ioke (1)      19 Aug-07 Sep      920     140                NEP/NWP
   10E  Ileana        21-29 Aug          955     105                NEP
   11E  John          28 Aug-04 Sep      948 *   115                NEP
   12E  Kristy        30 Aug-09 Sep      985      70                NEP
   13E  Lane          13-17 Sep          952 *   110                NEP
   14E  Miriam        16-21 Sep          999      40                NEP
   02C  -----         18-20 Sep         1007      30                NEP
   03C  -----         26-28 Sep         1006 (2)  30                NEP/NWP
   15E  Norman        09-15 Oct         1000      45                NEP
   16E  Olivia        09-14 Oct         1000      40                NEP
   04C  -----         13-14 Oct         1007      30                NEP
   17E  Paul          21-26 Oct          970      90                NEP
   18E  -----         26-29 Oct         1007      30                NEP
   ---  -----         30 Oct-03 Nov      ---      55                NEP (3)
   19E  Rosa          08-10 Nov         1002      35                NEP
   20E  -----         11 Nov            1007      30                NEP
   21E  Sergio        13-20 Nov          965      95                NEP


   (1) Ioke's JMA tropical storm number after crossing into the Northwest
       Pacific basin was 0612.

   (2) The lowest CP of 1006 mb was assigned by JMA after system had moved
       into the Northwest Pacific basin.

   (3) This system's NRL invest number was '91C', and it occurred at a
       rather high latitude in the Central and Eastern North Pacific.
       The system definitely appeared to be at least subtropical in nature,
       and very possibly was a tropical cyclone.  The intensity is based
       upon a track prepared by Dr. Karl Hoarau of Cergy-Pontoise
       University, Paris.


                           NORTHWEST PACFICIC BASIN

   JTWC    NAME(S)      JMA     DATES         CENT    MSW   MSW    BASIN
   NUM                TROP STM                PRS    1-MIN 10-MIN
                        NUM                   (mb)   (kts) (kts)

   ---  Agaton          ----  20-27 Jan       1000     --    30     NWP (1)
   01W  Basyang         ----  03-13 Mar       1004     35    30     NWP
   02W  Chanchu/Caloy   0601  08-20 May        930    135    90     NWP
   03W  Jelawat/Domeng  0602  26-29 Jun        994     45    40     NWP (2)
   04W  Ewiniar/Ester   0603  29 Jun-12 Jul    920    130   100     NWP
   05W  Bilis/Florita   0604  08-15 Jul        970     55    65     NWP (3)
   06W  Kaemi/Glenda    0605  17-26 Jul        955     90    80     NWP
   07W  Prapiroon/Henry 0606  28 Jul-05 Aug    965     70    70     NWP
   08W  Saomai/Juan     0608  04-11 Aug        925    140    95     NWP
   09W  Maria           0607  04-12 Aug        975     65    60     NWP
   10W  Bopha/Inday     0609  05-11 Aug        985     50    50     NWP
   11W  Wukong          0610  12-21 Aug        980     50    45     NWP
   12W  Sonamu/Katring  0611  13-16 Aug        992     45    40     NWP
   13W  -----           ----  23-25 Aug       1000     30    25     NWP
   14W  Shanshan/Luis   0613  09-22 Sep        925    120   100     NWP
   15W  -----           ----  12-13 Sep       1004     30    30     NWP
   16W  Yagi            0614  13-27 Sep        910    140   110     NWP
   17W  -----           ----  22-25 Sep        996     35    30     NWP
   18W  Xangsane/ (4)   0615  25 Sep-02 Oct    950    125    85     NWP
   19W  Bebinca/Neneng  0616  28 Sep-06 Oct    990     45    45     NWP (1)
   20W  Rumbia          0617  02-06 Oct        985     35    45     NWP
   21W  Soulik          0618  08-17 Oct        955     90    75     NWP
   22W  Cimaron/Paeng   0619  26 Oct-06 Nov    910    155   105     NWP (5)
   ---  -----           ----  06-09 Nov       1000     50    --     NWP (6)
   23W  Chebi/Queenie   0620  08-14 Nov        925    125   105     NWP (7)
   24W  Durian/Reming   0621  25 Nov-07 Dec    915    135   105     NWP
   25W  Utor/Seniang    0622  06-15 Dec        955    100    80     NWP
   26W  Trami/Tomas     0623  15-20 Dec       1000     30    35     NWP


   (1) The highest 10-min avg MSW was assigned by PAGASA.

   (2) PAGASA classified this system as a tropical depression on 24 June,
       and later that same day upgraded it to tropical storm status.

   (3) The highest 10-min avg MSW estimated by JMA was 60 kts.  PAGASA was
       the only warning agency (known to the author) who upgraded this
       system to typhoon status.

   (4) The PAGASA name for Typhoon Xangsane was Milenyo.

   (5) The peak 1-min avg MSW of 155 kts was obtained from Dvorak analyses
       performed by Dr. Karl Hoarau of Cergy-Pontoise University, Paris, 
       and is in agreement with intensity estimates from SAB and AFWA.  The
       highest 1-min avg MSW estimated by JTWC was 140 kts.

   (6) This system appeared to be subtropical in nature.  However, it was
       assigned some tropical "T" Dvorak classifications by SAB who
       designated it as '99W'.  The peak intensity is based upon QuikScat

   (7) Dr. Karl Hoarau estimated the peak intensity for Chebi/Queenie at
       135 kts.   I have used JTWC's peak 1-min avg MSW of 125 kts, which
       is good agreement with SAB's and AFWA's peak Dvorak ratings of


                            NORTH INDIAN OCEAN BASIN

   NUM  NAME        IMD ID (1)   DATES        CENT PRS   MSW       BASIN
                                                (mb)    (kts)

   01A  -----      -------     13-17 Jan         ---      40        NIO
   02B  Mala       BOB0601     24-29 Apr         ---     125        NIO
   03B  -----      -------     02-04 Jul         ---      35        NIO
   ---  -----      -------     01-05 Aug         ---      30        NIO
   04A  Mukda      ARB0601     20-25 Sep         ---      60        NIO
   05B  -----      -------     28-30 Sep         ---      35        NIO
   ---  Ogni       BOB0602     28-30 Oct         ---      45        NIO


   (1) I have learned that IMD discontinued using the former alphanumeric
       designators when official naming of tropical cyclones in the NIO
       basin was initiated in 2004.  The IDs listed above are unofficial
       and will not appear in the future in any summaries, track files, and
       hemisphere reviews prepared by the author.


                             ACTIVITY BY BASINS

  ATLANTIC (ATL) - North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico

  Activity for December:  No tropical cyclones

                North Atlantic Tropical Activity for December

     In contrast to December, 2005, which was the most active December on
  record in the Atlantic basin, the month of December, 2006, was its
  normal quiet self.  However, there was an interesting-looking system
  in the subtropical eastern Atlantic near 28.7N/34.5W on the 19th which
  exhibited some features often seen in subtropical cyclones.  There was
  some convection with organized curvature, and SSTs were in the 23 to
  25 C range.  The system formed in response to a surface front and the
  cyclone phase space, utilizing GFS runs, kept it as a shallow, symmetric
  warm-core system.    Large-scale atmospheric parameters were not
  particularly unfavorable for further development, but the system appeared
  to move rather rapidly to the east with a frontal-looking convective
  band ahead of it and did not show any additional signs of evolving into
  a subtropical or tropical cyclone.


  SOUTH ATLANTIC (SAT) - Atlantic Ocean South of the Equator

  Activity for December:  Possible subtropical storm

                South Atlantic Tropical Activity for December

     On 12 December Alexandre Aguiar of the MetSul Meteorologia Weather
  Center in Sao Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, alerted a tropical
  cyclone discussion group to the existence of a cyclonic system off the
  coast of Brazil roughly near 20.0S/40.0W which appeared to possibly be
  a subtropical system.  The LOW was in the same general vicinity where
  a tropical storm had formed in January, 2004--a couple of months before
  the rather famous (or infamous) Cyclone Catarina.  A ship in the area
  had reported winds of 30 kts with a minimum SLP of 1009 hPa.

     According to Roger Edwards, QuikScat data showed winds generally
  increasing with radial distance from the center, especially toward the
  Brazilian coast, which wouldn't be consistent with a purely tropical
  cyclone.  However, as Roger pointed out, there have been plenty of
  so-called "neutercanes" and other subtropical systems in the North
  Atlantic which have sent mixed signals in that they had similar
  kinematic distribution, yet also some warm-core characteristics.

     Jack Beven pointed out that a system at 20 degrees latitude would not
  normally be expected to have much baroclinicity, which would increase
  its chances of being tropical.  However, to the southeast the system
  appeared to be attached to a frontal system, while to the northwest it
  seemed to be attached to ITCZ convection over Brazil.  Since the LOW
  was never completely isolated from the baroclinic zone/ITCZ cloudiness
  and was always under westerly shear, it seems unlikely that it was a
  purely tropical cyclone.  Jack was of the opinion that it might have
  been more along the lines of the rather well-known Australian East
  Coast cyclones, which typically exhibit monsoon/ITCZ vorticity at low
  levels with baroclinic forcing aloft.

     Whatever its exact thermal nature, the December system constitutes
  another entry into the catalogue of interesting South Atlantic tropical
  and hybrid systems which have been revealed by satellite imagery since
  the first publicized South Atlantic tropical depression in April, 1991.


  NORTHEAST PACIFIC (NEP) - North Pacific Ocean East of Longitude 180

  Activity for December:  No tropical cyclones


  NORTHWEST PACIFIC (NWP) - North Pacific Ocean West of Longitude 180

  Activity for December:  2 tropical depressions **
                          1 tropical storm ++
                          1 typhoon

  ** - classified as tropical depressions by JMA only

  ++ - system was not upgraded to tropical storm status by JTWC

                          Sources of Information

     Most of the information presented below is based upon tropical
  cyclone warnings and significant tropical weather outlooks issued
  by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center of the U. S. Air Force and
  Navy (JTWC), located at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.   In the companion
  tropical cyclone tracks file, I normally annotate track coordinates
  from some of the various Asian warning centers when their center
  positions differ from JTWC's by usually 40-50 nm or more.   All
  references to sustained winds imply a 1-minute averaging period
  unless otherwise noted.

     Michael V. Padua of Naga City in the Philippines, owner of the
  Typhoon 2000 website, normally sends me cyclone tracks based upon
  warnings issued by the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) and the
  Philippines' Atmospheric, Geophysical & Astronomical Services
  Administration (PAGASA).  A very special thanks to Michael for the
  assistance he so reliably provides.
      In the title line for each storm I have referenced all the cyclone
  names/numbers I have available:   JTWC's depression number, the 
  JMA-assigned name (if any), JMA's tropical storm numeric designator,
  and PAGASA's name for systems forming in or passing through their
  area of warning responsibility.

               Northwest Pacific Tropical Activity for December

     Two named tropical cyclones formed during the month of December in the
  Northwest Pacific basin.  Typhoon Utor/Seniang became the sixth (and
  thankfully final!) typhoon of the season to strike the Philippines.
  Following a track somewhat to the south of the previous fall typhoons,
  Seniang passed over the islands of Samar and Leyte and near Mindoro
  Island before emerging into the South China Sea.   Although not nearly
  as destructive and deadly as its immediate predecessor, Durian/Reming,
  Utor nonetheless left at least 30 persons dead with considerable
  destruction at the Boracay Island resort.  The other tropical storm,
  Trami/Tomas, was a weak system which occurred in the Philippine Sea
  during the third week of the month.  (JTWC did not upgrade this system
  to tropical storm status.)

     There were two additional weak systems designated as tropical
  depressions by JMA.   A system east of Guam, near 15.0N/148.0E, was
  referenced as a tropical depression by JMA at 12/0900 UTC.  The system
  was downgraded to a low-pressure area on the next bulletin, but was
  re-upgraded to a tropical depression at 0600 UTC on 10 December, this
  time near 17.0N/139.0E, moving west-northwestward at 10 kts.  JTWC
  assigned a Dvorak classification of T2.0/2.0 on this system at 10/0230
  UTC, but lowered it to T1.0/1.0 three hours later.  Based on JMA's
  shipping bulletins, the depression recurved and by time of the final
  reference at 11/0000 UTC was located near 20.0N/140.0E, moving north-
  eastward at 10 kts.   Another system was briefly referenced as a tropical
  depression near 10.0N/154.0W at 1800 UTC on 10 December, but no further
  mention was made of this system in JMA's shipping bulletins.

     Reports follow on Typhoon Utor and Tropical Storm Tomas.

     The online Wikipedia reports for the Northwestern Pacific cyclones may
  be accessed at the following URL:>

                               TYPHOON UTOR
                       (TC-25W / TY 0622 / SENIANG)
                             6 - 15 December

  Utor: contributed by the United States, is a Marshallese word meaning
        "squall line"

  A. Introduction and Storm Origins

     Typhoon Utor was the 6th and final typhoon of 2006 to strike the
  Philippines and the 5th in less than three months.  Fortunately, the
  storm was not as deadly as its immediate predecessor, Durian, but
  nonetheless was blamed for at least 30 deaths.  Utor seems to have
  originated within an area of disturbed weather first noted approximately
  265 nm southeast of Chuuk on 2 December.  Convection was flaring over
  a developing LLCC, shear was low, and outflow was favorable.  The system
  remained in the vicinity over the next few days, but on the 6th was
  relocated to a point approximately 300 nm south-southwest of Guam and
  the development potential upgraded to 'fair'.  The system continued to
  consolidate and at 0000 UTC on 7 December, JTWC issued the first warning
  on Tropical Depression 25W, located roughly 95 nm west-southwest of Yap
  and moving westward at 16 kts with an initial intensity of 25 kts.  At
  the same time JMA elevated the system to a 30-kt (10-min avg) depression.

  B. Synoptic History

     TD-25W continued tracking westward south of a strong subtropical ridge
  extending from Guam westward to the Luzon Strait and gradually continued
  to strengthen.  At 07/1800 UTC both JTWC and JMA upgraded the system to
  tropical storm status with JMA naming it Utor.  (PAGASA had assigned the
  name Seniang to the depression after it entered that agency's AOR.)
  Tropical Storm Utor was then located approximately 170 nm north-northwest
  of Palau, tracking west-northwestward at 8 kts.  The newly-christened
  tropical storm intensified slowly at first, but underwent a spurt of
  intensification on the 8th which resulted in its being upgraded to
  Typhoon Utor at 0000 UTC on 9 December by JTWC, JMA and PAGASA.  The
  cyclone was then centered about 390 nm southeast of Manila and tracking
  westward at 12 kts.

     Shortly after being upgraded to typhoon status, Utor/Seniang reached
  the Philippine Archipelago, being located over southeastern Samar Island
  around 09/0600 UTC and near northwestern Leyte Island six hours later.
  By 1800 UTC the storm's center was over the Jintotolo Channel and
  surprisingly had continued to strengthen.  Typhoon Utor/Seniang reached
  its peak estimated intensity of 100 kts at 0000 UTC on 10 December while
  centered just southeast of Mindoro Island or about 145 nm south-southeast
  of Manila.   Interestingly, PAGASA's MSW estimate remained at 65 kts
  during Seniang's entire transit of the archipelago.    Karl Hoarau
  estimates that Utor's winds reached 115 kts (1-min avg) at 10/0000 UTC,
  and this is supported by Dvorak ratings of T6.0/6.0 from both SAB and
  AFWA around that time.   The Dvorak rating from JTWC reached a peak of
  T5.5/5.5 at 09/2330 UTC, so that agency's peak of 100 kts was based
  solely on their own analysis.  Based on reports of some of the damage
  incurred at a resort in the Visayas, it seems very likely indeed that
  Typhoon Utor/Seniang was stronger than most of the warnings were

     Typhoon Utor entered the South China Sea around 1200 UTC on the 10th
  and slowly began to weaken as it moved into a region with the competing
  influences of good outflow but increasing vertical shear and entrainment
  of drier air from the west.  Utor's MSW dropped to 75 kts at 11/0000 UTC
  and remained in the 75-80 kt range for the next day or so.   However,
  at 12/0600 UTC JTWC bumped the intensity back to 90 kts with the storm
  centered about 390 nm southeast of Hainan Island.  Also, JMA increased
  their MSW estimates from 70 kts at 12/0000 UTC to 85 kts twelve hours
  later.  The primary reason for the re-intensification appeared to be very
  good poleward outflow.   The storm's heading was still west-northwesterly
  at this juncture, but became increasingly northwesterly as time went by.
  Utor reached a secondary peak intensity of 95 kts (per JTWC) at 13/0000
  UTC while located approximately 235 nm southeast of Hainan and moving
  northwestward at 5 kts.

     The re-intensification was to be short-lived, however.  After 13/1200
  UTC Utor began to weaken rapidly due to the unfavorable influences of
  increased vertical shear and dry air entrainment.  At 1800 UTC JTWC
  rather drastically reduced the MSW to 65 kts from 90 kts six hours
  earlier, and at 14/0000 UTC dropped the winds to 35 kts and issued their
  final warning with the dissipating system quasi-stationary approximately
  175 nm east-southeast of Hainan Island.  JMA downgraded Utor to a
  tropical depression at 14/0600 UTC, and by 15/0000 UTC had further
  demoted the system to a 20-kt low-pressure area.

     The peak intensity and minimum CP estimated by JMA for Typhoon Utor
  were 85 kts and 945 mb, respectively, during the re-intensification
  episode over the South China Sea.  While traversing the Philippines,
  JMA's peak MSW estimate was 80 kts at 10/0000 UTC.  The highest 10-min
  avg MSW assigned by PAGASA was 70 kts at 12/0000 UTC as Utor/Seniang
  was exiting that agency's AOR.

  C. Damage and Casualties

     According to the Wikipedia online report, Typhoon Utor/Seniang left
  at least 30 persons dead with 8 others missing in the Philippines.  An
  e-mail from Michael Padua of Naga City cited some information from a
  friend of his which stated that "reports from Boracay Island Resort
  via Bombo Radio:  1 dead, 100+ missing, hundreds of boats destroyed.
  The island is stripped of trees and completely isolated.  The island
  hit by a 15 to 20-foot storm surge."

  (Report written by Gary Padgett)

                           TROPICAL STORM TRAMI
                        (TC-26W / TS 0623 / TOMAS)
                             15 - 20 December

  Trami: contributed by Vietnam, is a kind of tree belonging to the rose
         family.  Its flowers are pink or red without a fragrance and is
         used as a decorative tree.

  A. Introduction and Storm Origins

     Tropical Storm Trami (known as Tomas in the Philippines) was the
  final Northwest Pacific tropical cyclone of 2006.   The system was a
  minimal tropical storm per JMA's and PAGASA's analyses, but was treated
  as only a tropical depression by JTWC.  A LLCC developed on 14 December
  about 435 nm east-southeast of Pohnpei.  Microwave and animated multi-
  spectral imagery revealed an area of mid-level cyclonic turning about
  two degrees north of the LLCC.  Outflow was favorable and vertical shear
  was low to moderate.  The disturbance moved westward and by early on
  the 15th was located about 150 nm east-southeast of Pohnpei.  Convection
  was flaring near the LLCC and Pohnpei had reported a surface pressure
  fall of 2.7 mb during the previous 24 hours.  Hence, the potential for
  development was elevated to 'fair'.  JMA began monitoring the system as
  a weak tropical depression in their High Seas Bulletins at 15/0600 UTC.

     The system exhibited a broad circulation with weak multiple LLCCs and
  poorly-organized deep convection on the 15th.   A 15/0713 UTC AMSU image
  had shown no indication of a well-defined LLCC, so the development
  potential was downgraded to 'poor' in an interim STWO issued at 15/1300
  UTC.  By 0600 UTC on the 16th the system was located roughly 445 nm
  southeast of Guam with little change in organization.  However, by
  17/0000 UTC deep convection had become more persistent with a 16/2114
  UTC SSMI image depicting weak banding on the northern periphery of
  the system which appeared to be wrapping into the center of circulation.
  Vertical shear was low with fair divergence aloft, so JTWC once more
  upgraded the development potential to 'fair' at this time.  JMA had
  upped their intensity estimate to 30 kts at 16/1200 UTC, and JTWC issued
  their first warning on Tropical Depression 26W at 17/0300 UTC with the
  center located about 230 nm southwest of Guam.  The MSW was estimated
  at 30 kts and the depression was moving west-northwestward at 17 kts.

  B. Synoptic History

     JMA upgraded the depression to minimal tropical storm status and
  assigned the name Trami at 17/1200 UTC.  Tropical Storm Trami was then
  centered approximately 385 nm west of Guam, moving west-northwestward
  at 18 kts south of a 700-850 mb ridge to the north.   The cyclone moved
  quickly toward the Philippines, posing the threat of yet another typhoon
  strike.  However, Trami struggled against strong vertical shear and an
  approaching cold front.  After the storm entered PAGASA's AOR around
  18/0600 UTC it was named Tomas by that agency, but having two names
  still did not help the storm overcome the unfavorable environment.

     JTWC issued their final warning on Trami at 18/1200 UTC, placing the
  center approximately 700 nm southeast of Okinawa.  Animated infrared
  imagery and an 18/1040 UTC SSMI image depicted a burst of deep convection
  over the north quadrant and no indication of a significant LLCC.  An
  18/0922 UTC QuikScat image had indicated an inverted trough situated
  along 134E with strong convergent flow north of 15N where the deep
  convection was flaring.  An upper-level analysis indicated 30-40 kts
  of vertical shear and strong poleward outflow associated with strong
  mid-latitude westerlies impinging on the system.  JMA and PAGASA main-
  tained Trami/Tomas as a minimal tropical storm through 1800 UTC, but
  both warning agencies downgraded it to depression status at 19/0000 UTC.
  JMA continued to track the weakening system toward the Philippines for
  another day, reducing it to a 20-kt low-pressure area at 20/0000 UTC.

     According to Mike Middlebrooke of the NWS WFO on Guam, QuikScat data
  clearly showed 35-40 kt winds north of the center around 17/2100 and
  18/2100 UTC.  Dvorak classifications from AFWA supported tropical storm
  intensity through 18/1200 UTC, and were actually T3.0/3.0 at 16/2330
  UTC, which was around the time that JTWC initiated warnings.  In fact,
  JTWC's Dvorak rating at 16/2300 UTC was T2.5/2.5 and was T2.0/2.5 at
  17/0530 and 17/1130 UTC.   However, SAB's classifications never rose
  above T2.0/2.0.   The preponderance of the evidence seems to justify
  treating Trami as a minimal tropical storm.

  C. Damage and Casualties

     No reports of damage or casualties resulting from Tropical Storm
  Trami/Tomas have been received.

  (Report written by Gary Padgett)


  NORTH INDIAN OCEAN (NIO) - Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea

  Activity for December:  No tropical cyclones


  SOUTHWEST INDIAN OCEAN (SWI) - South Indian Ocean West of Longitude 90E

  Activity for December:  1 tropical disturbance
                          1 severe tropical storm **
                          1 intense tropical cyclone

  ** - wind measurements at landfall suggest that this system may have been
       of tropical cyclone (i.e., hurricane) intensity

                           Sources of Information

     The primary sources of tracking and intensity information for
  Southwest Indian Ocean tropical cyclones are the warnings issued by
  the Tropical Cyclone Warning Centre on La Reunion Island, part of
  Meteo France (MFR), and the Regional Specialised Meteorological Centre
  for the basin.    However, tropical cyclones in this region are named 
  by the Sub-regional Tropical Cyclone Advisory Centres in Mauritius and 
  Madagascar with longitude 55E being the demarcation line between their 
  respective areas of naming responsibility.  The La Reunion centre only 
  advises these agencies regarding the intensity of tropical systems.  
  References to sustained winds imply a 10-minute averaging period unless
  otherwise stated.

     In the companion tropical cyclone tracks file, I occasionally
  annotate positions from warnings issued by the Joint Typhoon Warning
  Center (JTWC) of the U. S. Air Force and Navy, located at Pearl
  Harbor, Hawaii, when they differ from MFR's coordinates by usually
  40-50 nm or more.  The JTWC warnings are also the source of the
  1-minute average maximum sustained wind values included in the
  tracks file.    Additionally, information describing details of
  satellite imagery and atmospheric circulation features included in
  the narratives is often gleaned from the JTWC warnings.

             Southwest Indian Ocean Tropical Activity for December

     Three numbered tropical systems were tracked by RSMC La Reunion during
  the month of December.  Very small but intense Tropical Cyclone Bondo
  formed shortly after mid-month and followed a westerly track at low
  latitudes for several days, passing just south of the small island of
  Agalega on the 20th at its peak intensity of 110 kts (10-min avg).  The
  storm eventually rounded the tip of Madagascar and moved southward just
  off the island's northwestern coast, finally making landfall near the
  city of Majunga as a severe tropical storm.  A system late in the month
  was numbered as Tropical Disturbance 04 but never strengthened to
  tropical storm status.  A new circulation formed within the larger area
  of disturbed weather and became Tropical Storm Clovis.  The history of
  Tropical Disturbance 04 is contained in the report on Clovis.

     Short reports with satellite pictures and small-scale maps for all
  the Southern Hemisphere systems may be found at the following link:>

                             (MFR-03 / TC-05S)
                              17 - 26 December

  A. Introduction and Storm Origins

     Tropical Cyclone Bondo (name contributed by Malawi) formed just west
  of Diego Garcia and moved on a long trajectory which took it near the
  small island of Agalega, later passing just off the northern tip of
  Madagascar and ultimately inland on the west coast of that island near
  Majunga.  The storm was a small but very intense system, reaching an
  estimated peak intensity of 110 kts (10-min avg), or 135 kts (1-min avg)
  from JTWC.    Fortunately, Bondo had weakened to below cyclone intensity
  (i.e., 65 kts) before making landfall in northwestern Madagascar.

     Bondo's origin can be traced to an area of disturbed weather which
  was located west-southwest of Diego Garcia on 15 December.  A satellite
  bulletin issued by JTWC at 2330 UTC on the 16th yielded a Dvorak rating
  of T2.0/2.0, which would imply a tropical depression with maximum 1-min
  avg winds of 30 kts.   MFR issued their first bulletin on Tropical
  Disturbance 03 at 17/1200 UTC, locating the center approximately 450 nm
  west-southwest of Diego Garcia.  A few hours earlier, around 17/0200
  UTC, JTWC had upgraded the development potential to 'good' and issued
  a TCFA.   Deep convection was flaring over a LLCC with convective bands
  wrapping into the center.  An upper-level analysis revealed that the
  disturbance was located within a region of low vertical shear and with
  good divergence and poleward outflow aloft.  The system's organization
  continued to improve, and at 1200 UTC on 18 December JTWC issued their
  first warning on TC-05S, estimating the MSW at 35 kts (1-min avg).
  Six hours later MFR upped Tropical Disturbance 09 to tropical depression
  status, and at 19/0000 UTC the Subregional Tropical Cyclone Advisory
  Centre in Mauritius named the storm Bondo.  Tropical Storm Bondo was
  then located about 240 nm east of Agalega, tracking westward at 11 kts
  along the northern periphery of a mid-level subtropical ridge located
  to the south.  MFR estimated the intensity of Bondo at 40 kts (10-min
  avg) at 19/0000 UTC.

  B. Synoptic History

     To say that Bondo intensified rapidly, or even very rapidly, is an
  understatement.   Shortly after being upgraded to tropical storm status,
  the central pressure began to plummet (as estimated by MFR), dropping
  77 hPa in 24 hours and 61 hPa in 18 hours.  At 19/0000 UTC Bondo was
  a 40-kt tropical storm; eighteen hours later its winds had reached
  105 kts (10-min avg).  The center of this intense tropical cyclone was
  at 19/1800 UTC located about 50 nm east-southeast of Agalega, and six
  hours later had reached its estimated peak intensity of 110 kts only
  about 25 nm southwest of the island.   Although very intense, Bondo
  was an extremely small tropical cyclone with gales extending outward
  only about 20 nm to the north of the center and 40 nm to the south.
  The radius of hurricane-force winds was estimated at only 10 nm (this
  information based upon MFR's 20/0000 UTC warning).  The minimum CP
  estimated by MFR was 915 hPa at 20/0000 UTC, and the peak MSW (1-min
  avg) estimated by JTWC was 135 kts at the same hour.  The tropical
  cyclone at the time was enjoying the combined benefits of low vertical
  shear and excellent radial outflow as it tracked westward at 12 kts
  along the northeastern periphery of a subtropical ridge anchored east
  of La Reunion.

     As Bondo tracked westward it encountered increasing vertical wind
  shear along with reduced polar outflow.  These factors, along with an
  eyewall replacement cycle, caused the storm to weaken significantly
  as it began to approach the northern tip of the island of Madagascar.
  At 0600 UTC on 21 December MFR estimated the intensity at 100 kts.
  Twenty-four hours later Bondo was downgraded to a 55-kt severe tropical
  storm.   The system had now begun tracking southwestward toward the
  large island in response to a developing weakness in the subtropical
  ridge associated with a deepening mid-latitude trough.  At 1200 UTC
  on the 22nd Bondo was located about 100 nm north-northeast of the
  northern tip of Madagascar, moving slowly southwestward at 3 kts.
  MFR's 10-min avg estimate was still 55 kts, but JTWC's 1-min avg MSW
  estimate was 75 kts.  Satellite imagery depicted deep convection rapidly
  redeveloping with spiral curved bands wrapping into the storm's center.
  Also, water vapor imagery revealed that an anticyclone had re-formed
  over the cyclone, resulting in improved outflow.

     Bondo slowly began to re-intensify as the environment became more
  favorable.  The storm continued to track slowly in a south-southwesterly
  direction roughly parallel to the northwestern coastline of Madagascar.
  JTWC upped their MSW estimate to 90 kts (1-min avg) at 23/1200 UTC, while
  MFR estimated the intensity at only 60 kts (10-min avg).  MFR re-upgraded
  Bondo to tropical cyclone (i.e., hurricane) status at 24/0000 UTC with
  the center located about 250 nm north-northeast of Majunga on the western
  coast of Madagascar.  Based on JTWC's analysis, Bondo reached a secondary
  peak intensity of 115 kts at this time, based on Dvorak ratings of T6.0
  from JTWC and AFWA.  SAB's rating, however, at 23/2030 UTC was T5.0/5.0,
  and MFR's was only T4.5/4.5.  MFR upped the MSW to 75 kts at 24/0600 UTC
  where it remained pegged for 24 hours.    As Bondo continued moving
  slightly west of due south along the Malagasy coastline it began to
  slowly weaken due to land interaction and entrainment of drier air.

     Both JTWC and MFR downgraded Bondo to a 60-kt tropical storm at 1200
  UTC on Christmas Day with the center located only around 30 nm north-
  northeast of Majunga.   By 1800 UTC the center had made landfall and
  was rapidly weakening.  JTWC issued their final warning at 26/0000 UTC,
  and MFR downgraded Bondo to a depression at the same time.  The weakening
  system continued to move generally southward over Madagascar with the
  original center dissipating.  The final MFR warning, issued at 1200 UTC
  on 26 December, placed a LLCC back over water approximately 200 nm north
  of Tulear, but noted that it was a "new" LOW which had generated within
  the area of low pressure of the former Tropical Cyclone Bondo.

  C. Meteorological Observations

     According to Philippe Caroffe, Operational Head of RSMC La Reunion,
  the eyewall passed only about 20 nm south of Agalega at peak intensity,
  yet the station there recorded 10-min avg winds of less than gale force.
  The SLP fell to just below 990 hpa--a 15-hPa drop from the ambient
  pressure.  According to the online Wikipedia report, the island of
  Agalega received at least 280 mm of rainfall from the cyclone.

  D. Damage and Casualties

     Two persons were killed in Madagascar, one due to a wall collapsing
  on him, and another missing and presumed dead after taking his family
  out in a canoe.  The missing man's family survived, however.  In Majunga
  38 households were affected, some trees were downed, roofs were damaged,
  and some locations lost electrical power.

  (Report written by Gary Padgett)

                          TROPICAL STORM CLOVIS
                            (MFR-05 / TC-06S)
                         29 December - 4 January

  A. Introduction and Storm Origins

     Severe Tropical Storm Clovis (name contributed by Mauritius) formed
  a short distance southeast of Agalega at the end of December and moved
  on a general southwesterly trajectory which took it inland on the
  eastern coast of Madagascar in early January.  Clovis' beginnings lay
  within an area of convection which had persisted roughly 400 nm west-
  northwest of Diego Garcia on 24 December.  Convective banding was
  beginning to wrap into a developing LLCC and upper-level diffluence was
  good, but vertical shear was moderate.   JTWC upgraded the system's
  potential for development to 'fair' in a STWO issued at 24/1800 UTC.
  MFR initiated bulletins on Tropical Disturbance 04 at 1200 UTC on the
  25th, placing a weak center about 300 nm west of Diego Garcia.  Over
  the next couple of days the system drifted toward the west-southwest
  but remained weak.  JTWC issued a TCFA at 26/2330 UTC as the LLCC
  had moved under an area of deep convection in a region of low vertical

     By 27/1800 UTC the disturbance was situated about 90 nm north of
  Agalega within a region of moderate to high vertical shear which had
  displaced the deep convection to the west of the LLCC.  Twenty-four
  hours later Tropical Disturbance 04 had drifted to a position about
  135 nm west of Agalega.  JTWC continued to re-issue TCFAs on this
  system as it was moving into a region of weaker vertical shear.  However,
  the system was located under convergent flow associated with the north-
  western periphery of an upper-level, near-equatorial ridge which was
  inhibiting outflow.   MFR's bulletin at 28/1800 UTC stated that the
  system's organization did not warrant the issuance of regular warnings.
  This warning, however, turned out to be the final one on Tropical
  Disturbance 04.

     At 1200 UTC on 29 December MFR issued the first statement on Tropical
  Disturbance 05, which contained the following paragraph (slightly

     "The low-level circulation center monitored and numbered 04 has
  dissipated but the convective activity associated with ex-Tropical
  Disturbance 04 has persisted.  During the night, several related and
  short-lived centers have probably existed at the mercy of convective
  pulsations, mainly east of 55E.  Last satellite imagery now shows a new
  clockwise circulation organizing around a new center which appears to
  be the main one.  The dissipation of the first monitored system and the
  genesis of this new one justifies the re-numbering."

     JTWC's STWO issued at 29/1400 UTC also relocated the area of interest
  further to the east.  The previously issued TCFA for the region remained
  in effect since the environment had become somewhat more favorable.
  MFR's first bulletin on Tropical Disturbance 05 located the center
  125 nm southeast of Agalega at 29/1200 UTC.  The system slowly
  strengthened as it drifted west-southwestward over the next couple of
  days.   MFR upgraded it to a 30-kt tropical depression at 0600 UTC on
  31 December, and at the same time JTWC issued their first warning on
  TC-06S with 35-kt winds (1-min avg).   Six hours later MFR upgraded
  the depression to Tropical Storm Clovis, located about 300 nm southwest
  of Agalega with the MSW estimated at 40 kts.   At the time of its
  upgrade Clovis was tracking south-southwestward at 9 kts.  (Note: Storms
  in this basin are actually named by Subregional Tropical Cyclone Advisory
  Centres in Mauritius (east of 55E) and Magadascar (west of 55E).  Since
  the center of this system was located just west of the line of 
  demarcation, presumably the name was bestowed by Madagascar's
  Meteorological Service.)

  B. Synoptic History

     Newly-christened Tropical Storm Clovis wasted no time in intensifying.
  At 1800 UTC on 31 December (six hours after being upgraded), MFR bumped
  the MSW up to 60 kts, although this was reduced slightly on the next
  warning.  The system was heading toward a weakness in the subtropical
  ridge axis caused by a high-amplitude trough south of the Mozambique
  Channel.  Throughout the remainder of its life until making landfall
  in Madagascar, Clovis followed a fairly smooth south-southwesterly track.
  Winds remained in the 50-55 kt range (per MFR) on 1 January, but were
  increased to 60 kts at 0600 UTC on 2 January, the storm being then
  located about 375 nm west of Mauritius.

     Clovis' winds remained at 60 kts for 24 hours before being lowered
  to 50 kts at 03/0600 UTC.  JTWC's estimated MSW (1-min avg) reached
  65 kts at 02/1800 UTC, based on CI numbers of 4.0 from JTWC, AFWA and
  SAB.     MFR's Dvorak rating during this time also was T4.0/4.0,
  corresponding to a 10-min avg intensity of 60 kts.   As Clovis neared
  Madagascar, a transient shortwave ridge built in poleward of the storm,
  resulting in a more westerly track at a slower pace.  Tropical Storm
  Clovis made landfall in eastern Madagascar north of Mananjary around
  0600 UTC on the 3rd with winds estimated at 50 kts (65 kts 1-min avg
  MSW from JTWC).   After the system had made landfall, it remained
  quasi-stationary on the coast or just inland and gradually weakened.
  JTWC issued their final warning at 04/0600 UTC, and MFR finalized Clovis
  six hours later, noting that winds of 20-25 kts might still be
  experienced along the coastline and out to sea for about 30 nm.

  C. Meteorological Observations

     A ship in the vicinity of 16.1S/55.1E reported ENE winds of 35-40 kts
  at 2245 UTC on 30 December with a SLP of 1009 hPa and 3 m seas.  This
  observation was 6-12 hours before Clovis was upgraded to tropical storm
  status by any of the warning centers, and suggests that perhaps the
  system was stronger than thought.  This fits in with the apparent rapid
  intensification reflected in the warnings from 31/0600 to 31/1800 UTC.
  AMSU data taken at 31/0949 UTC indicated a system near hurricane force.

     The online Wikipedia report notes that Clovis passed about 11 nm
  northwest of Tromelin Island around 1700 UTC on 31 December with winds
  of 54 kts, gusting to 70 kts.  It is assumed that this refers to a wind
  observation measured on the island.   At 1400 UTC the station on the
  island measured a peak 10-min avg sustained wind of 49 kts with peak
  gusts to 64 kts, and the wind was still increasing.

     Karl Hoarau sent some observations from Madagascar which suggest that
  Clovis was stronger than analyzed by JTWC and MFR at landfall.  The small
  airport of Nosy Varika (20.55S/48.6E) reported a 10-min avg wind of
  59 kts at 03/0530 UTC with gusts exceeding 97 kts.    Gusts of this
  magnitude would suggest a 10-min avg wind of about 68 kts, or a 1-min avg
  wind of 78 kts.  A 37-GHz image at 03/0230 UTC (a few hours before land-
  fall) showed a well-defined eye in the low levels.

  D. Damage and Casualties

     No reports of damage of casualties resulting from Severe Tropical
  Storm Clovis had been received.

  (Report written by Gary Padgett)



  Activity for December:  No tropical cyclones

                 Northwest Australia/Southeast Indian Ocean
                       Tropical Activity for December

     A tropical LOW formed off Western Australia on 31 December.
  Peripheral gales began on 1 January and on the 2nd the system was named
  Tropical Cyclone Isobel.  Isobel moved southward and made landfall in
  Western Australia on the 3rd.  It appears that during a post-storm
  analysis and review of Isobel, a determination was made that the system
  was not a true tropical cyclone and Isobel has since been declassified.  
  A full report on Isobel will be included in the January summary.



  Activity for December:  No tropical cyclones


  SOUTH PACIFIC (SPA) - South Pacific Ocean East of Longitude 160E

  Activity for December:  No tropical cyclones

                 South Pacific Tropical Activity for December

     At the beginning of the month Tropical Depression 05F/TC-04P was
  operating over waters east and southeast of Guadalcanal in the Solomon
  Islands.  The system began to weaken on the 2nd and had dissipated by
  the 4th.  A short report on this depression may be found in the November
  summary.  No other systems were designated as tropical depressions by
  RSMC Nadi during the month of December.  The tropics lay completely
  quiet after the spate of activity from late October through November
  which had produced five numbered systems, including two of hurricane
  intensity (Xavier and Yani).



     The purpose of this section is to list some websites where many and
  varied types of tropical cyclone information are archived.  Many readers
  will know about these already, but for the benefit of those who don't,
  I wanted to include them. 

  (1) Aircraft Reconnaissance Information

     Various types of messages from reconnaissance aircraft may be
  retrieved from the following FTP site:>

     Information regarding how to interpret the coded reconnaissance
  messages may be found at the following URL:>

  Links are also included to websites with further information about the
  U. S. Air Force 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron and the NOAA Air-
  craft Operations Center.

  (2) Archived Advisories

     All the advisory products (public advisories, forecast/advisories,
  strike probabilities, discussions, various graphics) issued by TPC/NHC
  are archived on TPC's website.  For the current year (using 2004 as an
  example), the archived products can be found at:>

  Links to tropical products archives for earlier years are available at
  the following URL:>

  JTWC warnings for past storms are archived on the NRL Monterrey website:>

  On the NRL site, the link to past years can be found in the upper left 
  corner of the screen.

     I am not aware at the moment of any other TCWC which archives all
  its tropical cyclone warning/advisory products for public access, but
  if I learn of any, I will add them to this list.

  (3) Satellite Imagery

     Satellite images of tropical cyclones in various sensor bands are
  available on the NRL Monterrey and University of Wisconsin websites,
  courtesy of Jeff Hawkins and Chris Velden and their associates.  The
  links are:>>

  On the NRL site, the link to past years can be found in the upper left 
  corner of the screen.  For the CIMSS site, a link to data archives is 
  located in the lower left portion of the screen.

     Additional tropical satellite imagery, along with looping ability for
  composite microwave imagery for the Western Hemisphere north of the
  equator, can be found at:

  (1) For the Eastern North Pacific:>

  (2) For the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea:>

     I'm sure there are other sites with available imagery available, and
  as I learn of them, I will add the links to this list.


                               EXTRA FEATURE

     In order to shorten the amount of typing in preparing the narrative
  material, I have been in the habit of freely using abbreviations and
  acronyms.   I have tried to define most of these with the first usage
  in a given summary, but I may have missed one now and then.  Most of
  these are probably understood by a majority of readers but perhaps a
  few aren't clear to some.  To remedy this I developed a Glossary of
  Abbreviations and Acronyms which I first included in the August, 1998
  summary.  I don't normally include the Glossary in most months in
  order to help keep them from being too long.  If anyone would like to
  receive a copy of the Glossary, please e-mail me and I'll be happy
  to send them a copy.


  AUTHOR'S NOTE:  This summary should be considered a very preliminary 
  overview of the tropical cyclones that occur in each month. The cyclone
  tracks (provided separately) will generally be based upon operational
  warnings issued by the various tropical cyclone warning centers.  The
  information contained therein may differ somewhat from the tracking and
  intensity information obtained from a "best-track" file which is based
  on a detailed post-seasonal analysis of all available data. Information
  on where to find official "best-track" files from the various warning
  centers will be passed along from time to time.

    The track files are not being sent via e-mail.  They can be retrieved
  from the archive sites listed below.  (Note: I do have a limited e-mail
  distribution list for the track files.    If anyone wishes to receive
  these via e-mail, please send me a message.)

    Both the summaries and the track files are standard text files
  created in DOS editor.  Download to disk and use a viewer such as
  Notepad or DOS editor to view the files.

     The first summary in this series covered the month of October,
  1997.   Back issues can be obtained from the following websites
  (courtesy of Michael Bath, Michael V. Padua, Michael Pitt, Chris
  Landsea, and John Diebolt):>>>>>

     Another website where much information about tropical cyclones may
  be found is the website for the UK Meteorological Office.  Their site
  contains a lot of statistical information about tropical cyclones
  globally on a monthly basis.  The URL is:>


     JTWC now has available on its website the Annual Tropical Cyclone
  Report (ATCR) for 2005 (2004-2005 season for the Southern Hemisphere).
  ATCRs for earlier years are available also.

     The URL is:>

     Also, TPC/NHC has available on its webpage nice "technicolor"
  tracking charts for the 2006 Atlantic and Eastern North Pacific
  tropical cyclones; also, storm reports for all the 2006 Atlantic
  and Eastern North Pacific cyclones are now available, as well as
  track charts and reports on storms from earlier years. 

     The URL is:>

     A special thanks to Michael Bath of McLeans Ridges, New South Wales,
  Australia, for assisting me with proofreading the summaries.


  Gary Padgett
  E-mail:  [email protected]
  Phone:  334-222-5327

  Kevin Boyle  (Northwest Pacific)
  E-mail:  [email protected]

  Simon Clarke  (Northeast Australia/Coral Sea, South Pacific)
  E-mail:  [email protected]


Document: summ0612.htm
Updated: 4th March 2007

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